This Solid Waste Disposal System Plant converted daily solid waste from the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida to energy. The SWEC (Solid Waste Energy Conversion) Plant located outside the Disney World Resort converted the daily solid waste to a by product (hot water) that in turn generated electricity within the Power Plant to supplement the energy requirements to the Disney World Resort. This conversion of the daily waste into energy saved the cost of disposal and the environment of another never ending landfill.
This Solid Waste Disposal Plant incinerated 80 to 90 percent of the solid waste from the Disney World Resort. Sometimes, the residue ash is clean enough to be used for some purposes such as raw materials for use in manufacturing cinder blocks or for road construction. In addition, the metals that may be burned are collected from the bottom of the furnace and sold to foundries and other related industries.
This Solid Waste Disposal Plant was designed to reduce the emission of air pollutants in the flue gases exhausted to the atmosphere, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and particulates, and to destroy pollutants already present in the waste, using pollution control measure such as bag-houses, scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators. The high temperature, efficient combustion and effective scrubbing and controls significantly reduced air pollution outputs within the plant area.